Dr. Paul Lohmann GmbH & Co. KGaA
Dr. Paul Lohmann® is the world’s leading manufacturer of 400 high value mineral salts for the food and nutrition industries.
Dr. Paul Lohmann® is the world’s leading manufacturer and provider of specialty mineral salts for the food, nutritional supplement, pharmaceutical and personal care industries. Over 130 years of manufacturing experience, combined with an innovative spirit and high flexibility enables Dr. Paul Lohmann® to respond to changing needs. Customers can profit from the broadest available portfolio of high value mineral salts, with more than 400 products in a range of qualities, designed to provide optimum performance across a wide range of applications.
The mineral salts are produced at quality levels stipulated by pharmacopoeias, regulatory food guidelines or customer specifications. Products and quality levels are developed and optimized according to customer’s request. This includes the adaptation of chemical and physical parameters such as bulk density, wettability, particle size, purity or pH-value etc.
The production sites are GMP, DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 and FSSC 22000/ISO 22000 certified. The production site Emmerthal is successfully inspected by FDA (U.S. Food and Drug Administration) in the context of FSMA (food safety modernization act). Also the social and environmental standards are DIN EN ISO 50001 and Sedex certified.
As a global player Dr. Paul Lohmann® has sales departments in Singapore, New York/USA, Eindhoven/The Netherlands and Evry/France.