Smell and Taste Clinic
A better health by combining diagnostics, treatment and research on disorders in smell and taste.
Smell and Taste Clinic
The Smell and Taste Clinic, an initiative of the Nutrition & Healthcare Alliance, aims to give patients a better quality of life and better health. Taste and/or smell disorders can have a major impact on the quality of life and food intake. The Smell and Taste Clinic is specialized in diagnostics, treatment and research on disorders in smell and taste. The Center is an answer to the large need of patients with these disorders
Smell and taste disorders
An estimated 16% of the population suffers of loss of or a reduced sense of smell and/or taste. Disorders in smell or taste often lead to a decreased taste sensation, lack of appetite and an increase or decrease in body weight. The purpose of The Smell and Taste Clinic is to respond to the large need of patients with these disorders, to diagnose them according to standardized protocols and to treat patients as well as possible with the latest knowledge in this field. Additionally, research will be done of diet changes that go along with this disorder and how to respond to this in order to create an optimal diet. On this basis, patients can be provided with guidance and nutrition information.
Diagnosis, treatment and research
The Smell and Taste Clinic of the Nutrition & Healthcare Alliance is a unique in the Netherlands. The cooperation of Wageningen University with hospital Gelderse Vallei provided a strong basis for the development of the clinic. In the clinic diagnosis, treatment and research takes place. The clinic is equipped with state-of-the art and unique facilities, such as a fMRI scanner in combination with an olfactometer and a gusto meter. The use of these facilities makes it possible to offer smells and tastes and measure brain activity at the same time.
- Diagnostics-protocol development
- Optimization of treatment
- Research lines and projects
- Influence of smell and/or taste disorders on food preferences
- Effect of chemotherapy or sense of smell and/or taste disorders
- Pathophysiology of smell-and taste disorders
- New treatment methods for smell and/or taste disorders