MOJO Tonic
Deliver proven health benefits of fermented beverages in a consumer-friendly soft-drink format.
MOJO’s motivation was to expand our reach to more consumers by developing a product that had mass market appeal both in Australia and Asia.
MOJO researched other functional drinks that were available in the US market and the Australian market and identified a gap in the Australian market for functional, low sugar beverages that would have appeal to soft drink and juice drinkers. Our challenge was to produce a package of unique design and a recipe that was well suited to the palate of Australian and Asian consumers and would result in repeat purchase.
MOJO offered real health benefits through the added probiotic called Bacillus Coagulans as well as the blend of Kombucha, coconut water (good hydration properties) and apple cider vinegar. We make a guarantee of 1 billion organisms per bottle and the probiotic has a long shelf life of at least 240 days as it remains dormant at 1 – 5 degrees Celsius.
Probiotic drink
This product is an alternative to taking probiotics in tablet form or by consuming dairy based probiotics. We know there are many consumers that have a dairy intolerance.
The intention is for the product to be accessed in a range of locations such as Woolworths, IGA, Pharmacy, School canteens, gyms, national food chains, sporting clubs and venues.
The proven benefits of the probiotic and the ease and appeal of the product for consumption enable a broad range of applications.