Demo Nursery Westland
Demonstration innovative solutions, reseach, knowledge.
Demo Nursery Westland (in Dutch Demokwekerij Westland) is a horticultural innovation centre in the Netherlands located in Honselersdijk:
- Demo Nursery Westland started in 2001.
- Purpose: Building bridges between the grower and the supplier.
- By means off a product demonstrations in practice, growers and companies can visit Demo Nursery Westladn and see the products, discuss with other growers and improve the (growing)systems.
- Started with 10 technical companies, showing there products.
- 25 participants are showing the latest innovations all through (5000 m2 product presentation)
- 41 small research compartments (for technical, crop-protection and other research)
- Yearly 13.000 visitors, from all over the world
- Demo Nursery Westlands focus on national and international growers/technical suppliers/government/education institutes
- The current main objective of Demo Nursery Westland is to initiate, organize, stimulate en facilitate innovative developments in glasshouse horticulture. Main points of attention:
On 5000 m2 Demo Nursery Westland has 25 participating companies who give insights in their latest technological innovations (logistics, lighting, water, climate, for example) which are needed to set up/in a greenhouse. Everything that is needed for building a greenhouse can be found at Demo Nursery Westland.
Demo Nursery Westland has 41 glasshouse compartments where different types of research are being conducted. These types can vary between climate, water, lighting, crop protection products, growing systems, fertilizers and many more aspects. The research that is conducted is always practical and applicable for the parties involved.
Sharing Knowledge
Through the active cooperation with the horticultural industry, Demo Nursery Westland distributes knowledge through courses, education, presentations and open house days. The goal of this knowledge distribution is to continue developing the horticultural sector.