Seaweed disguised as pasta and bacon

Seamore creates tasty, healthy and sustainable alternatives to our favorite foods using seaweed.

Our modern food system is not perfect. Resources are over-exploited, food is not equally distributed, there is a lot of food waste and people often buy products based upon their price, not on their quality. But even more important, humanity has forgotten its traditions and its former practices. Humanity, for example, has forgotten about the properties of seaweed. It has forgotten its amazing nutritional value, its sustainable growth and its benefits in comparison to agriculture on land.

Could seaweed be part of the solution to the worldwide food problem? There is plenty of seaweed without the need for extra land, water, pesticides and fertilizers. That is why Seamore has introduced I sea pasta and I sea bacon. Organic and unprocessed products that give a spin on on Himanthalia elongate, a brown seaweed that looks like tagliatelle and Palmaria palmata, a red seaweed that turns into crispy bacon when fried. Both are harvested in Brittany, France and Ireland. Both are tasty, healthy and sustainable.

How do you get people to eat seaweed? Seamore believes that by making seaweed attractive and accessible, and promoting its excellent culinary qualities and health benefits, people will be curious and more willing to try. I sea pasta contains a lot of minerals, antioxidants, fibers and protein, but contains almost no carbohydrates and calories. If you make it with a Bolognese sauce it transforms from niche to mainstream. Early adopters are just as easily using it in curries, soups and other dishes. I sea bacon offers none of the saturated fats nor calories and all of the crunchy, smoky salty kick. It goes on eggs, pasta and in salads as an awesome topping. Think about the potential: do you know what vegans miss most as a result of their lifestyle choice? Bacon. By increasing the scale of harvesting, Seamore has also been able to significantly bring down the price of these products, further enhancing their accessibility.

Some seaweed, we seamore.