Dynamic Cloud Control (DCC®) vegetable and potato steamer

The Dynamic Cloud Control (DCC®) system provides fast, energy-efficient vegetable and potato steaming and can improve perceived quality.

Many vegetables and potatoes are blanched before further processing. Blanching is an energy-intensive process that retards enzyme actions that cause loss of flavor, texture and color. Steaming raw foods with Dynamic Cloud Control equipment, developed by Food Technology Noord-Oost Nederland (FTNON), gives energy savings of between 30 to 90% compared to conventional steaming solutions, avoids the negative effects of blanching and can improve overall quality.

The Cloud Control’s patented process circulates steam in a closed system, creating an optimal cooking atmosphere and preventing energy ‘escape’. Steam is dynamically-inserted, only when products are detected in the tunnel, so increasing energy savings. The equipment’s hygienic design - with a liftable hood - makes it easy to clean: a must for companies needing to change product types frequently during a working day.

The Dynamic Cloud Control Steamer has a wide range of capacities, depending on the product and the production line where it is used. The system is suitable for a wide variety of vegetables (from cauliflower to green beans). The DCC system can be matched with different types of cooling systems, all placed in line. FTNON can, thus, deliver turnkey project solutions.