Savoury Sweetness with Black Garlic Powder

A thrilling mix that reminds of balsamic vinegar, liquorice and prune. To give desserts, sweet snacks and many other products an unexpected taste.

Black garlic has been far from a secret recipe in Asian cuisine for some time now, and it may well capture the European market in the near future. The black bulb is abundant in healthy amino acids, and its taste is reminiscent of balsamic vinegar, liquorice and prune. A hint of garlic without the hot aftertaste rounds out this Far Eastern taste adventure.

Garlic can now be used in desserts, sweet snacks and products where the aftertaste of standard garlic is generally not appreciated. Other applications are sauces, dressings, cream cheese, marinades, dips, butter and snacks.

Its striking colour arises from a fermentation process in which the garlic is naturally aged just by the use of heat and air. After fermentation, the bulbs are dried in a specifically designed drying process and grounded to powder. The finished product is ten times more effective than common garlic in anti-oxidation. Furthermore, it is completely odourless in comparison to its white relation – even after consumption.

Characteristics of the product:

  • Black colour due to controlled fermentation
  • Contains 18 healthy amino acids
  • May prevent cancer and cardiovascular/cerebrovascular diseases
  • Taste: sweet, liquorice, hint of garlic, similar to balsamic vinegar
  • Available as powder and purée